Monday, November 22, 2010

Life begins with letting go.

God, you've taught me a lot today. Not that you ever stop, maybe I've just been paying more attention.

God, you've shown me life starts when we let go. We have to let go of a lot in life. We let go of the womb, the innocence of youth. We let go of our favorite blanket, our favorite t-shirt. We let go of our preconceptions of who we thought we would be as adults. We let go of our dreams as it becomes apparent that they were only dreams, and the idea that the world is a great place when we experience the pain of unedited reality. We let go of our hearts when we trust them to You, and let go of the pain we suffer when we give it to You so we can heal. We let go of the sins of our past. We let go of those we love when they leave us to be with You. We let go of the way we think things should be when we yield to Your path for our lives. We let go of control in the name of living Your way.

At least, that's how it should be. Usually we screw it up somehow. Lord, help me to let go.

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